The Living Room Gallery

Les Deux Terribles
New works by Benjamin Hunt (2001 - )


Earlier works can be viewed at Crayons of Rage: A Retrospective.

Faces and Names (2004) -- Drawings: Dry-erase marker on white board
This evocative pair of drawings marked the beginning of a new realist phase in Hunt's visual work.

Tube Station (2004) -- Sculpture: PVC pipe sections

Aquezio Pkws (2004) -- Installation: Letter magnets on KitchenAid refrigerator (ca. 2000)

St. Francis and the Turtledove (2004) -- Dry-erase marker on white board
One of Hunt's few forays into sacred art, this piece nevertheless retains the abstract quality that was his trademark in all his early work.

Blockenspiel (2004) -- Sculpture: Alphabet blocks

Hostility #8 (2004) -- Installation: Cereal, fork, and Avent sippy cup (ca. 2002)
In the artist's own words: "Don't like the breakfast."

Entanglement (2004) -- Installation: Telephones
Praised by one critic as "An elegant commentary on the insularity and circular feedback of communication technologies."

Shu Fa (2004)
A particularly fine example of Hunt's short-lived exploration of the Eastern art of calligraphy.

Uncontained: A Spice Odyssey (2003) -- Installation: Spice jars.

Couch Colors (2003) -- Drawing: Crayon on sofa.
An example of Hunt's predilection for unusual artistic placement, this piece escaped the notice of critics for some time.

Pharmascenic (2003) -- Drawing: Crayon on promotional notepad paper.
The clever combination of apparently drug-inspired colors and imagery with pharmaceutical product placement marked a newly political sensibility in Hunt's work, as well as an increasingly ironic edge.

WaterColor (2003) -- Drawing: Crayon on bathtub.
From the multimedia performance work, Walls and Floors.

Hangup #3 (2003) -- Installation: Plastic clothes hanger and toilet tissue.

SSSEUUUUT (2003) -- Installation: Alphabet blocks.
One of Hunt's quietly understated "arrangement pieces." There is no accompanying text for this work; dismissing all talk of underlying meanings, the artist prefers to let the piece speak for itself.

Leaning Tapes (2003) -- Sculpture: VHS video tapes.

Letters of Fire (2003) -- Installation: Magnetic letters on fireplace enclosure.

View earlier works.